Interested in learning more about herbalism and using herbs at home while building your home apothecary?

Are you looking for a like-minded community to share ideas, recipes, and remedies?

Join Wild Hearts Herb Circle!

Why Choose Wild Hearts Herb Circle

🌿 Receive High Quality, Dried Herbs: Each month you’ll receive the featured herb, sourced sustainably from local and regional organic growers or ethical wildcrafting, delivered right to your doorstep.

📚 Expand Your Herbal Knowledge: You’ll get access to exclusive educational content and experiential learning. Learn how to work with individual herbs in a practical way and get to know each herb energetically as a friend and ally.

👥 Connect with Herb Enthusiasts: Join our monthly virtual meetings to connect with fellow herb lovers, learn from a clincal herbalist, and share your passion for all things herbs.

What is Wild Hearts Herb Circle?

Wild Hearts Herb Circle is an experiential immersive study experience for anyone who wants to dive deeper into relationship with plants. Many herbalists believe that it is better to know a few herbs in and out, deeply and intimately than to know a hundred different herbs on a surface level. Herbs are more than chemical and physical substances to treat symptoms. Herbs are plant allies; physically, emotionally, and energetically. You will learn how to work with individual herbs in a practical way including how to make medicine and other preparations, how to cultivate or forage, how and when to harvest but you will also get to know each herb as a friend and learn how to work with these plants as allies to support you physically and emotionally. Get out of “this herb for that condition” mentality.

  • This is for people who want to learn about each herb intimately, to know it in and out from all facets. Sure you can read about herbs in books and online all day long but you will never get to know an herb fully without experiencing it through your own senses and knowing it energetically.

    You do not need to be an herbalist or have any experience with studying plants to join this circle. On the other hand you may be well-seasoned in herbalism but want to explore and nurture your relationship with these plants individually.

    Modalities and practices we will touch on include traditional preparations such as infusions, tinctures, oils, salves, and poultices as well as energetic and vibrational modalities such as flower essences, smudging, dreamwork, bathing with plants, etc.

  • Includes:

    Dried Samples of the 6 featured herbs (1-2 oz of each) sourced sustainably from local and regional organic growers or ethical wildcrafting

    (6) 2-hour live video sessions where we will have a group tasting of the herbs with reflection & lesson on the plant monograph with time for Q & A

    (6) PDF plant monographs for the herbs we are studying including herbal actions, traditional uses, energetics, preparations, guidelines for harvesting and or cultivation, astrological and elemental correspondences, recipes, and more.

    PDF Handouts (how to for tinctures, teas, and flower essences, flavor/herbal actions energetics chart, astrological overview)

    PDF Workbook pages for plant journaling to facilitate personal reflection. Includes journal prompts, plant meditations, pages to sketch or doodle etc.

    SURPRISE gifts (may include a flower essence, smudge bundle, herbal oil, tincture, or other plant creation)

  • If you feel called to join in, we will meet together once a month for 6 months. The first week of the month I will send out the sample of the herb of the month to everyone. You can experiment with the herbs on your own if you like.

    Later in the month we will meet together virtually via video call to taste, smell, and experience the herb together and share our observations and insights. We will then also go over all the info for that plant - uses, preparation, harvesting, herbal actions, energetics, traditional historical info etc. and there will be time for question and answer and reflection.

    Don’t worry if you can’t make the dates of the meetings they will be recorded and sent to you. During the course of our time together you will also receive 3 surprise gifts related to the plants we are working with.

  • Picture it, you go to a local health food store or herb shop and you see dozens of bottles of different herbs on the shelf. You have heard of some of them from health magazines, Instagram or the latest health influencer. You remember reading that this herb might be good for arthritis, or that one is good for digestion but do you really know these herbs? Would you recognize them if you tasted them, or if you spotted one driving down the road. Do you know where they like to grow and the energetics of the plant? There is more to herbalism than little bottles of stuff on the shelf. You were made to interact with and experience these plants first hand. Our ancestors experienced plants fully through the senses, they let the plants teach and guide them in this way and this how they learned to work with plants for healing. You can learn this way of knowing as well, you literally evolved to do so!

    There is no teacher like first hand experience; tasting these plants, making medicine with your own two hands, watching the plant’s life cycle unfold. Wild Hearts Herb Circle will have you on your way to fostering a deep relationship with each plant based on your own experience that no book or tiny bottle of pills at the store can give you.

  • The cost for the entire 6-month immersive experience that includes monthly shipments of herbs, full access to the live video sessions, PDF handouts etc. is $288. This payment can be made all at once or you have the option to make (6) monthly payments of $48 due on the first day of each month (July - December)

  • The reason Wild Hearts Herb Circle is... well, a circle is because there are no experts in this group. Everyone’s experiences and input are valid as we explore these plants together. We will all be learning from each other as we discuss our personal experiences and reflections. As the facilitator of the circle, Mary DePalma, a clinical herbalist, will offer plant monographs and share practical information regarding herbal actions, energetics, growing habits, harvesting guidelines, recipes and more but each person will build and nurture their own relationship with the plants and we will all hold space for one another as we go on this journey together.

    Mary has been studying herbs formally since 2018. She has completed over 800 hours of study with Herbal Academy as well as a 6-month clinical mentorship program with Erika Galentin RH (AHG) & MNIMH. Additionally, she has participated in many workshops and classes related to foraging, medicinal mushrooms, botanical skincare, vibrational medicine and plant communication. Mary is also a Level 1 Usui Reiki practitioner and an associate member of the American Herbalists Guild and United Plant Savers.

Exclusive Educational Content

With each herb delivery, you'll gain access to in-depth PDF monographs, how-tos, and recipes from a clinical herbalist that will give you the confidence to start working with these herbs on your own

Connect and Grow with Our Community

Community is at the heart of Wild Hearts Herb Circle. At our monthly virtual meetings, you'll interact with a clincal herbalist, ask questions, and form connections with fellow herb enthusiasts. It's more than a subscription; it's a community.

Ready to Join Wild Hearts Herb Circle?