Book an Herbal Health Consultation Today!

Your path to holistic healing

  • What is an herbal health consultation?

    An herbal health consultation involves an in-depth personalized assessment of your health history, lifestyle, and any symptoms or concerns you may have to provide tailored holistic recommendations. I will guide you in choosing specific herbs or formulas and/or lifestyle changes to help you meet your health goals. This is truly a collaborative approach to health and wellness. Modalities I may utilize include herbal infusions, tinctures, or other extracts, flower essences or other vibrational remedies, as well as dietary and lifestyle changes. This is not a chance for me to push expensive supplements on you. Your health is your responsibility and YOU are the authority on YOU. You know what is best and I will support you in making your own informed choices.

  • Why work with a clinical herbalist?

    As a clinical herbalist, I will take the time to understand your personal constitution, history, as well as all the factors that contribute to your overall wellbeing including your diet, lifestyle, stress levels, etc. in order to uncover the root cause of imbalances and match you up with herbal remedies that are best suited for your unique circumstances. A clinical herbalist has a holistic perspective on health and takes into account that the mind, body, and spirit are interconnected. I have over 800 hours of herbalism education and am currently under mentorship with a highly experienced American Herbalists Guild Registered Herbalist. A clinical herbalist will provide you with relevant, safe, and effective recommendations from high quality sources.

  • Who can benefit from an herbal health consultation?

    Anyone! I am pleased to work with folks of all ages, even kids. Even if you take prescription medications or have complex health challenges, we can explore safe herbal remedies along with diet or lifestyle changes that fit your personal health circumstances. Herbalism can be a fantastic complement to a multifaceted approach to health. Some of the concerns herbalism may help with include but are not limited to: digestive support, immune support, frequent colds or illness, sleep issues, menstrual difficulties, easing the transition to menopause, solutions for coping with stress and anxiety, and boosting overall energy and vitality. If you are interested becoming empowered to take responsibility for your own health and want to play an active role in your wellness then clinical herbal consultation is for you!

  • How does the initial consultation process work?

    All consultations will be held virtually via HIPAA compliant video conferencing. The initial consultation will be around 90 minutes long. Prior to meeting for the first time you will complete a Wellness Intake Form, its a lengthy form but be assured that the more details and information we have to work with the more personalized your Wellness Plan will be. We will delve deeply into your personal health history and take a look at your overall wellness through the lens of both physical, emotional/mental, social, and spiritual perspectives. Follow up appointments will be scheduled for 2-4 weeks after the initial consultation and are typically 60 minutes in length. If you are interested in booking an appointment you will be directed below to complete the interest form. I will reach out to you to go over the details and schedule with you.

Book your FREE 15 minute discovery call below!

You first appointment will last approximately 90 minutes. During this time we will go over all the details of your Wellness Intake Form which will need to be completed and returned prior to your appointment. During this time we will review your health history, diet, lifestyle practices and any concerns you may be experiencing. This will allow us to set personalized health and wellness goals for you and to clarify priorities for our work together. An Integrated Wellness Plan will be created for you based on these goals which may include herbal supports, dietary and/or lifestyle modifications, and tracking (dietary, symptom, mood, sleep, etc.) to help identify patterns which may shed light on your health challenges and the direction we should proceed. Your Integrated Wellness Plan will be sent to you via email after we complete the session.


Your follow up consultation will last approximately 60 minutes in length and will be scheduled approximately 2-4 weeks after your initial consultation depending on the nature of your case. At this time we will take a detailed look at any data tracking that was recommended and will discuss any changes or outcomes that have occurred since the first visit as a result of the newly adopted herbs, dietary or lifestyle modifications suggested in the Wellness Plan. We will revisit the health goals we set at the initial visit and review any progress made toward them. We may make revisions to the Integrate Wellness Plan from the initial consultation if needed.

Subsequent follow up visits may be set, depending on your case and your goals, for anywhere between 4-6 weeks after this time. It should be noted that herbs, diet, and lifestyle changes do not produce overnight results. Holistic practices like herbalism often produce slow but profound changes over time. Herbs works best when used consistently over a longer time period (months rather than weeks) but this does not mean you will not notice small shifts right away. Be patient with yourself and your health journey. The circumstances and patterns that contribute to the health challenges you face most likely occurred over months or years of your life and it is realistic to expect their resolution to adopt the same gradual pace.

30 minute check-ins (at a rate of $50/30 min) may be scheduled if desired between follow ups for questions or problems that occur or to discuss changes to an herbal formula etc. Additionally, 30-minute check-ins may be scheduled by already established clients for short-term, acute care questions or recommendations.


The consultation package includes:

  • (1) 90 minute initial consultation

  • (1) 60 minute follow-up consultation

  • (1) 30 minute check-in


  • (3) 60 minute follow-up consultations for individuals who have already had an initial consultation


Acute Support

Acute Wellness Consults are for short-term, acute issues you may be experiencing such as colds, flus, digestive imbalances, recovery from illness, minor injuries, etc. If you are looking for holistic herbal support for these types of concerns for yourself or your child this option will include a 40 minute consultation and a personalized Acute Support Wellness Plan. This is not for the more complex, long-standing chronic concerns.


** Please note**

Prices listed for the initial or follow up consultations as well as the consultation package, or acute care option DO NOT include the price of any herbal supplements. These must be purchased separately. You will be directed as to where you can purchase any recommended supplements in your Wellness Plan.

Book your FREE 15 minute discovery call now!

If you are interested in a consultation with Mary DePalma please fill out the form below to book a FREE 15 minute discovery call to go over all the details and to help you decide if holistic Herbal Health Consultation is right for you. If you decide you’d like to proceed, we will schedule your initial consultation right away!

Expect to receive an email within 24-48 hours from Sage Essence Botanicals. If you have not received an email by then feel free to contact Mary via email at

In the meantime, scroll down below to check out our FAQ section for more information. I look forward to working with you!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Once you have booked a discovery call and have decided to proceed with scheduling a consultation you will receive an invoice in your email which must be paid in full before consultation can commence. Once payment has been made you will receive a link for the video call. You can pay the invoice with a credit or debit card.

  • At the conclusion of your consultation you will be sent a personalized Integrated Wellness Plan which will include any recommendations for herbal supplements, dietary or lifestyle changes. If herbal supplements are recommended you will be provided with links and/or specific companies to source from. We want you to have the highest quality supplements available and we also keep sustainability in mind as a top priority when making these recommendations as some herbs are grown or harvested unethically especially those that may be considered at-risk species. If you wish to source herbs on your own please be aware that we cannot assure the quality or be held responsible for any herb/drug interactions that may occur as a result of taking a supplement other than what is recommended as it may contain a different species of the plant or a blend of herbs not included in your wellness plan.

  • Herbalism and other holistic modalities aim towards shifting the body back into balance and a state of well-being. This can be, at times, a slow process depending on the complexity of the issue. Sometimes we are working with circumstances or patterns of a chronic nature. An issue that has been going on for a long period of time cannot reasonably be resolved overnight. This does not mean you will not see results right away. You may begin to see a difference within a few days or weeks of using a well-chosen remedy or it could take weeks or months. The key is consistency. Don’t give up on following your wellness plan. Try to give it a few months to notice progress. Every person is obviously unique and different and there are no guarantees of success with following any plan given. Some may see results fast while others may take a bit longer. For problems that have been going on for around 6 months or less I suggest sticking with the Wellness Plan for at least 2-3 months. If the problem has been going on for more than a year or two I recommend sticking with the plan for at least 3-6 months.

  • Mary DePalma began her formal study of herbalism in 2018 with Herbal Academy, completing the Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Clinical Herbalism courses. Prior to this she was highly engaged in self-study of herbs, medicine making, and medicinal herb cultivation. She has studied with herbalists Kami McBride and Erika Galentin, and has participated in many workshops and classes on foraging, medicinal mushrooms, botanical skincare, and vibrational medicine. She is an associate member of the American Herbalists Guild, United Plant Savers and is a regular attendee of herbal conferences including the International Herb Symposium. She has been under mentorship with Erika Galentin RH(AHG) MNIMH, a highly experienced clinical herbalist since 2023. She is currently in the process of seeking to become a Registered Herbalist through the American Herbalists Guild. There is no such thing as a certified herbalist in the United States because herbalism is an unlicensed profession with no licensing board in any state. The American Herbalists Guild is a professional organization for herbalists and has established the status of “Registered Herbalist” (RH) to be indicative of an individual who has completed at least 800 hours of study plus 400 clinical hours with clients and undergone a peer reviewed process deeming them worthy of the designation of RH. It is a highly respected credential reflecting a practitioners level of experience, rigorous course of study and commitment to the ethics of the AHG. In addition Mary has a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education and is a Level 1 Usui Reiki Practiioner.

  • Herbal supplements are generally taken in the form of infusions or decoctions (which are essentially teas), tinctures (alcohol based extracts), or capsules. We will discuss your preferences for taking herbs during the consultation so we can decide what form will be best for you. Other remedies I often work with include flower essences as well as food based “supplements.” I use this term because I like to work with diet and whole foods as a part of strengthening and supporting overall health. However, I am not a big proponent of taking vitamin or mineral supplements outside the context of consuming a whole food. Our bodies are designed to absorb nutrients from foods where they come packaged alongside a spectrum of other nutrients. Assimilation of vitamins and minerals consumed from supplements and not from whole food is often quite poor and can sometimes lead to more problems by disrupting the balance of other minerals in the body.

  • There exists the possibility that herbs may interact with over the counter or prescription drugs. For this reason it is imperative that you disclose all medications you take regularly including prescriptions and over the counter pharmaceuticals during our consultation. There are many herbs that can be taken safely alongside of pharmaceutical drugs as long as we know what you are taking when choosing remedies for you. Always disclose to your doctor or licensed health care provider the specific herbs you are taking. We are happy to provide you with a list at any time if you are at all unsure, just ask!

  • Mary DePalma is not a licensed practitioner, does not practice medicine and does not represent herself as a medical doctor. Within the clinical practice of herbalism, she does not claim to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose disease This consultation cannot provide medical diagnoses or offer treatment for existing diagnoses. Any lifestyle modifications or dietary supplement suggestions are not a replacement for the care and supervision of a licensed medical doctor. Mary DePalma is not qualified to advise you to stop taking medication prescribed to you by a licensed medical doctor nor to adjust dosages of such medications. You are advised to speak to your doctor(s) about your decision to work with an herbalist and to disclose all herbs and supplements you are taking as well as any new dietary or lifestyle changes you may adopt to your medical providers as these may change how your body responds to medical interventions or pharmaceutical medications.

  • Things come up sometimes and that is totally understandable. If you need to cancel an appointment kindly give as much notice as you can, at least 24 hours notice if at all possible. If you cancel and wish to reschedule, your payment will be applied to your new appointment. If you cancel with no plans to reschedule a refund may be issued if requested. Repeated cancellations will not be rescheduled or refunded.

  • As an herbalist it is my sincerest desire to truly be of service in helping my clients in progessing with their personal health goals. I see our working relationship as a partnership, a collaborative effort established on the basis of transparent honest communication. One of the purposes for booking a free discovery call is to establish whether or not working together is right for both us. I want my clients to fully understand the scope of my practice and my approaches to wellness. Also I want to understand a client’s goals and expectations for their consultation before payment for services occurs. Because my time is valuable, I cannot offer a refund if you are not happy with your services.

  • Unfortunately we cannot accept insurance of any kind.

  • Upon booking your appointment for your initial consultation, you will receive a set of forms which must be completed. Please have these completed and returned at least 2 days before your appointment time. If there are any other documents such as blood work or other lab results that you would like to submit for review as a part of your consultation please submit those prior to the appointment as well. Once you have paid your invoice you will be receive a link for the video call in your email.